Achievement unlocked a mess of a project

Do you all remember the maze game I had made? Well, I have a huge problem- we started making controllers for our own games, and at first I was like, oh, I can do this. I was extremely extremely wrong. So, sit back, relax, and get ready for the reason we should avoid giving me wires and cardboard. So, the first thing we had to do was make wires for the buttons. This went just fine and I got them finished without to much issues (were going to ignore all the little things that went wrong.) Next, we had to make the ground wires and i had no idea how to do that at all. And although my teacher tried to help me, I ended up getting confused and stressed and pretty much just shut down (a common reaction to stress for me). So eventually we got that done and I was getting my wires crushed to keep them in place. One wasn’t crushed right and fell out and left me without any replacements. So I had to ask for a time to pick up supplies. I found out I need more wires and another thing. So here I am with no ability to move forward, and I had done some decoration. I decide to check on my game and make sure the code was all good. That´s when I realized that I had completely forgotten a button  and am now going have to make that. So goodness knows this is probably the most stressful project I´ve ever done for CSAI.

Update: alright so i ended up finishing the project a day ago I’ll save you the details. But I cried and ended up finishing the project.

Level Up: Beginner coder

So, I finished the maze game without too much of a problem, pretty crazy. Anyway, it wasn’t really perfect as I wanted it to be. I’ve finished, but hey, I’m only on level two. So, the game was fairly easy to code, not too many problems, but at the same time the more code I have, the slower the program runs. So if there is any way to fix that, I would love to know. Not too much of a problem, I guess. There was not a lot that happened while coding, really. The code was easy after some of my questions got answered, though it did mean I had a lot of variables. ( I made two marble hornet references because why not.) So, when we started this project, I was way too ambitious, so I had to fix that issue. I ended up with a game that has four path blockers and you have to answer the questions to keep playing. If you answer them wrong, well, then you get a game over, but if you get the right you can keep going. And you have to answer all the questions or you’ll lose. That’s really all I can think of that’s important. There’s no high score, but I’d love to see if any of you can speed run it. So, here the link, have fun you guys, see ya. 

Achievement unlocked: here we go

So the maze game I’m going to make is based on some of the things we were studying. So in other words the main character has to go and help these little creatures (i haven’t named them yet) collect supplies for their favorite subjects. There are haunted school items that are trying to stop players from achieving their goal.  I’m thinking I’m going to model it after the school so posters and a similar look on the carpet. The hero is  probably  going to be a generic looking human sprite. The creatures look like gumdrops and they will look different based on the subject they favor. Though i’m not an artist so that is a little bit of a worry for me. Anyway I might add other students, or more challenges if inspiration decides to stop ignoring me. But for now that’s it. 



Achievement unlocked first game

My first official post has to be some sort of achievement. Anyway, we have been coding a game for class for about maybe a week. Its a simple chase game like PacMan, but not. It was my first time using this program to code a game, though I have used block coding before. For whatever reason, my computer hated running this program- I had to deal with the painfully slow loading of code, and it wasn’t fun at all. I had finally tested the basic code and it was working, but we got another assignment to add more to it. I picked making an enemy and a’ life system’.  It was harder than I thought, I almost scrapped the ‘life system’ idea. I was encouraged to do it, so I end up realizing the problem; my enemy would hover over the player, causing the score, a life, to go down as fast as you can say ‘game over’. So, after I solved that small issue, I was good to go. If you want to try the game for yourself, I leave a link right here. Anyway, see you all next time



(Side note I didn’t put any images cause I couldn’t figure out how to link a screenshot, and I hate the way it looks when you insert an image. Also big thanks to my friends Shen for editing this, I’m awful when it comes to grammar and spelling and she offered to help me, she’s the best.)


Hello world!

Hello. Hi. Welcome. Nice to meet you. My name is Quill.  I’m going to be posting about the coding I’m learning, and the projects I’ve finished. I hope this is going to be a good writing practice for me. I  enjoy photography (the picture I used for my background is one I took and edited), conspiracy theories, ARGs They’re like more creative horror movies I highly recommend watching some, Slenderverse things like Marble Hornets or EverymanHybrid I’ve rewatched it too much they are technically ARG but they have there own subgenre, rainy days, The Sims 4, candles, crystals I have over twenty of them people joke I have a problem, medieval dresses, archery, Pokemon, designing masks (No, not the COVID face mask we all have), Musicals, and swimming. Alright, I think that covers the bases. Anyway hope you enjoy your time on my blog.